Friday, October 16, 2009

Did you Know 4.0

The world is changing magnificently. The way we take information or news around the world is unreal. Today we watched a video called Did you Know 4.0 and I learned that in the U.S.A there are 240 000 000 TVs that are owned by people and for some reason 2 million of them are in bathrooms. But i found out that t.v is not the way we take in or information. The rate of digital information is going up by the millions. In every month three major TV channels get 10 million uploads. Those channels have been around for quite awhile now though. Three websites that

Obviously this is where people are coming to watch videos for every reason. Why waste your money on a newspaper everyday when you can hit the world wide web and get your information for free. Paper is going to be useless pretty soon. The world will function on the machine. America itself has access to over 1 000 000 000 000 000 webpages, 65 000 iPhone apps,
10 500 radio stations, 5 500 magazines and 200+cable channels. The easiest way to access information as you see from statistics is by a blow out, Digitalized.

Now people have equipment that is pretty much a mini computer in your pocket and yes you guessed it. Things like phones, i pods, cameras, etc pretty much all have wifi built right in to them so you can access the internet with the touch of a button or even now the touch of the screen.

If those stats don't blow your mind already check theses stats out Newspaper circulation is down 7 million in the past 25 years and in the last 5 years unique readers of online newspapers are up million. In the past year advertising for: Newspaper is down 18.7% TV 10.1% Radio 11.7 % and magazines 14.8 % but the digital advertising industry is going up: Cell phones 18.1 % and computers 9.2 %.

The way we take in info is changing rapidly. The world is running on the internet and portable digital devices.

In February John McCain raised 11 million for his U.S presidential bid. That same month Barack Obama attended no campaign fundraisers... HOWWWW????????

Well he went on social networking sites and raised 55million in those 29 days. haha If you think all this means nothing and the world inst going digital. I don't even know what to say to you and you shouldn't be viewing my blog.

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