Monday, November 30, 2009

Online tech vs software. Zoho vs Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word and Zoho are both word document software. Two different software will obviously have pros and cons against each other. Well lets start with price.

    The latest version of Microsoft Word roughly starts at $110.00. The online word document Zoho cost approximently $0.00. Pricce wise Zoho already comes on top. Well both word docs are pretty general each have there features. I found that when i used Word that there was way more functions and things you can do with the document.

    When I used Zoho I could still do the basics but there was still the odd thing that i couldn't do but with less functions it might be easier for a begginer to use Zoho over word. I have been using Word for almost all my life i just started using Zoho for my class. I like both but if I had to choose Word docs I would still use Microsoft word becuase i am most used to the software then Zoho.

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