Monday, November 30, 2009

Online tech vs software. Zoho vs Microsoft Word

    Microsoft Word and Zoho are both word document software. Two different software will obviously have pros and cons against each other. Well lets start with price.

    The latest version of Microsoft Word roughly starts at $110.00. The online word document Zoho cost approximently $0.00. Pricce wise Zoho already comes on top. Well both word docs are pretty general each have there features. I found that when i used Word that there was way more functions and things you can do with the document.

    When I used Zoho I could still do the basics but there was still the odd thing that i couldn't do but with less functions it might be easier for a begginer to use Zoho over word. I have been using Word for almost all my life i just started using Zoho for my class. I like both but if I had to choose Word docs I would still use Microsoft word becuase i am most used to the software then Zoho.

Friday, November 6, 2009

One Laptop Per Child. New Technology: XO

Possibley the best idea for a charity that someone has ever had. A charity for the poor children in the world that can't afford a computer. These laptops will connect them to the rest of the world to let them know what is going on.


The xo is a low powered derable laptop that can with stand extreme weather. It is a mini laptop that can generate wifi but wait.. how can you even get wifi in the middle of no where? If these countries cant afford education already how can they get internet.


Using out to date routers they set up wifi connections all over the country. How do routers that spread wifi 10 feet share internet through a country. The XO shares wifi through each other so if an XO is 2km within another XO it will pick up its connection it wont be strong of course but it is better then having not internet at all.


The XO has two different screens. The one that displays the images to the users and two one that will take sunlight and use it to display the screen. Yes finally a laptop that you can use outside and when you are outside it will turn its monitor off. This will save power and like Isaid before you can actually see your monitor OUTSIDE haha yes outside.

The Battery

Like a stantard laptop it is equiped with a battery that you can plug in to charge but the XO has some extra features. THe XO comes with a crank that you can use to charge your battery when you do not have a power source. It has more features as I said before the XO has a dual screen one is a monitor and the other one uses sun light to power the monitor or converting it so you can use the laptop


Say you wanted to buy one of these XO laptops lets say for your kids. Well you can buy an XO just you wont be getting it. A deserving kid that cant even dream about having their own laptop. So you will be doing good for the world. This act may even get the world out of poverty.

Tryhuba Chat
