Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How Tryhuba Is Better Than Germann

Many times Coach Germann tries to prove that he is cooler and smarter than
Tyler Tryhuba but always fails to succed. The other day he had to change the result of a quiz and say if they dont say that he is cooler then Tryhuba, they fail. It is obvious that Germann is jealous of Tryhuba. This fine morning (October 20,2009) Tyler Tryhuba had strep throat and Germann posted a poll on the site edmodo for the class to see who was cooler. Knowing that Tryhuba wasn't there that he could scare the class to vote for him.

Colten S.
PopoutColten S. to Info10 - Note

Tyler, I tried. I voted for you.

4 minutes ago Reply

TYLER . - thx haha (3 minutes ago Edit Delete)

Mr. Germann - Colten, just failed IP10. ;-) (41 seconds ago)

Mr. Germann
PopoutMr. Germann to Info10 - Poll

Who is cooler?

Mr. Germann (88%, 22 votes)

Tyler (12%, 3 votes)

Total Votes: 25 (Refresh)

5 minutes ago Reply

Who is cooler Tryhuba or Germann

EPIC 2014

Today I watched a video a video called EPIC 2014, It blew my mind on how the world is going to take in information through media in the future, and how the New York Times and the four estates will go bank rupt. It explains the battle of Google and Microsoft, and how there trying to control the news through media today. How Google is going to buy out Amazon and make a new site called combining Amazon and Googles information on people to give them information they want to hear even though this information might be false. This video is pretty much saying paper is going to be usless and that everyone will have different ideas about the same subject. I think the four estates payed smeone to make this video to stop people supporting google and make sure we take in the right information.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lost Generation

I believe that my generation is the scrolling down part of the video below. When it is my generations era we will not care about the planet and how things up. from experience and news that i hear in a city about 68% of families stay together and the divorce rate is raising. I don't agree with the part of that film when she said that work was more important than family though. In my life and with my class family is everything. I know that my family will always be together no matter what happens to us. We are the Lost Generation but we wont let everything go to hell as the first part of the video explains. We are a quick fix society but we will get things done and we will get them done right. Lives are more important than money or how hard we have to work to make sure lives won't be lost. Our Generation is Lost but we know where we stand.

Tryhuba Chat
