Friday, December 18, 2009

The Sean Swarner Inspirational Story

Sean Swarner used to be a boy who was expected to live for 2 weeks. He had the fourth and final stage of Hodgkin's disease at only the age of thirteen. On top of that he got a tumor on his lungs. When the doctors removed it his chances of living went even lower then before. 10 years later Sean climbed the great Mt.Everest and became the first ever cancer survivor. He didn't stop there he wanted to climb the peeks in a seven continents. He followed his dream and later after climbing to the summit of Mt. McKinley he became the first cancer survivor to climb the seven summits. Sean Swarner overcame his fear of dieing from cancer and pursue his dream of climbing the summits. People used to think of Sean Swarner as a thirteen year old boy who was going to die and now they look up to him as a hero. Sean Swarner has wrote a book on his adventure and his life story. I guess when the odds seem against you, you just gotta keep climbin.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Malawi Windmill Boy

A 14 year old boy from Malawi Africa, made a windmill for his family. William Kamkwamba a school drop out designed a windmill using pictures and information out of a book he got from his local library.
A windmill is a machine which converts the energy of wind to rotational motion by means of adjustable vanes called sails. The main use is for a grinding mill powered by the wind, reducing a solid or coarse substance into pulp or minute grains by crushing, grinding, or pressing. [1][2] Windmills also provided energy to sawmills and paper making. Other uses of windmill are wind pumps for pumping fresh water from underground, Drainage windmills for dewatering land below sea level, and wind turbines.

This boy had nothing except his family. He was almost starving and he is turning his life right around. He never seen the Internet before now he has his own website. His family was close to starving and he provided them as a 14 year old boy from starvation.

William Kamkwamba converted the energy from his windmills to pump water and electricity for his family and village. He wants more out of his windmills. Not just Malawi but other villages around his.

The story of William Kamkwamba teaches us all never to give up in what we are doing and to not lose hope in what ever we are executing.

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